
Yahl Primary School facilitates learning across eight curriculum areas, namely:

  • The Arts
  • English
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Mathematics
  • Society and Environment
  • Science
  • Technology; and
  • Japanese.

Parents are provided with mid-year and end-of-year summative reports on their child’s achievements across each of these curriculum areas.

Visit curriculum in South Australia for more information.

Instrumental Music

Yahl Primary School is extremely proud of our music program that is expanding each year. In 2019, our program achieved national recognition when it was featured in many newspaper articles and radio programs across Australia.

All children in Years 3 and 4 learn either the ukulele or recorder, while all Year 4, 5 and 6 children have the opportunity to learn either the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, tuba, drums, bass guitar and guitar.

All children have the opportunity to perform in bands and ensembles at a range of school and community events, these include; junior and senior bands, woodwind and jazz ensembles and a garage band. In the future we hope to include vocal and keyboard experiences for children as part of ensembles.

Our music program is supported by the Department for Education and delivered by a dynamic and talented team of School Services Officers and Hourly Paid Instructors.

There are no tuition costs, however there is a small yearly charge for repairs and maintenance of instruments.


As part of Yahl Primary School’s Physical Education program, children attend swimming lessons in Term 1.

Lessons are conducted at the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre over a one week period.

Signed consent forms, along with bus fares and pool fees must be returned/paid to the school prior to the activity to enable children’s participation.

School Sports Day

Yahl Primary School conducts a School Sports Day in Term 3 or 4 each year. This event was first held in 2017.

Children compete in a range of track and field events for one of three Houses – Nicholson (Red), Wincey (Blue) and Harford (Yellow). These houses are named after the first Principals of Yahl Primary School.

A championship medal is awarded for the most successful athlete in each year level, and houses compete for a Sports Day Shield.

Students from the Mount Gambier High School Athletics Program, support the day by starting/timing events and assisting with the general running of the day.

The Sports Day attracts a lot of parents who come to watch their children to compete, and who volunteer their time working on food stalls and as officials to make the day a great success.

District Sports Day

Yahl Primary School participates in the annual Mount Gambier District Small Schools’ Sports Day held at the Blue Lake Sports Park at the end of Term 1.

The day begins with the children from the six participating small schools assembling in the Cave Gardens (Mount Gambier), then walking down Commercial Street to Vansittart Park, where they are then taken to the Blue Lake Sports Part by bus for the competition.

All children who are eight and over compete for school points, while the younger children compete just for fun.

Book Week

Book Week forms a very important part of our learning calendar each year in August. It is an opportunity for children to work in cross age groups to study books that have been shortlisted.

Children, staff and a few brave parents dress up in their favourite book characters, and participate in a parade, dance and specially themed lunch on the final day of the week.


NAIDOC Week is held in July each year. It aims to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Yahl Primary School organises a range of activities to celebrate NAIDOC week including guest speakers, workshops and other special learning activities.