Accidents and absences


Although every care is taken to avoid accidents, sometimes they do happen.

The school keeps a register of emergency contacts, home phone numbers and the medical conditions of all children.

Parents need to inform the school immediately if any of these details change so that our register can be updated.

Minor injuries will be treated by Yahl Primary School staff who are trained in First Aid. Parents will be advised of these minor injuries and the action(s) taken.

In the case of a serious accident/injury medical treatment will we sought and parents informed as soon as possible. An ambulance will be called if required.


If a child is to be absent from school, parents are required to notify the relevant class teacher either by phone, a note, School Stream or Seesaw.

Visit our school apps page for further information on School Stream and Seesaw.

Where absences are going to be prolonged, parents must contact the school so that the necessary arrangement can be made in terms of their child’s learning program.